Agency Leadership Team
DHRM Organization Chart
2024 DHRM Strategic Plan Strategic Plan Addendum 1
Press and media inquiries, FOIA requests, social media, employee communications and Executive and Legislative reports.
Information technology security, related policies, procedures and risk management strategies. Appropriate strategies and controls in place for HR management systems, related applications and networks.
Workers’ Compensation claims, safety and risk management, training and loss control for state agencies.
State employee Grievance Procedure and hearings, coaching, mediation and AdviceLine.
State health benefits and related services for employees, retirees, local government and the Line-of-Duty participants.
State contracts, procurement, accounts payable and receivable, financial reporting, audit compliance, travel, and payroll certification.
Creates a high-performing state workforce by enriching the employee experience through a culture of employee engagement, wellness, diversity and inclusion, fairness, and equity.
Human capital programs, policies and systems for Commonwealth agencies. Operational HR services for select agencies and employees.
Talent management, policy and legislation, compensation, and workforce analytics for state agencies, and shared services for small agencies.